Friday, December 17, 2010

Thank You!


Thank you so much for your support! Our holiday parties were a complete success! The kids had a blast. :)

Also, thank you for the many gifts and cards we received this week. We are blessed to have such thoughtful parents!

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Destination Imagination Announcement!

We will have an information/ planning meeting on Thursday, December 9, 2010.

All participants who expressed interest have been included in the count for the teams.
The meeting will be held at the Sienna Branch Library, from 7:00p.m.-8:00p.m.,
2nd floor,
Conference Room #211.  This information was accidentally left out of the
school's Tuesday weekly announcement.
This is a small part of the e-mail I sent to the parents on my list.
We do not want to miss anyone that would like to still participate.
The information in the Tuesday weekly news accidentally left out the location
Thank you,
Deanna Lewis

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Calling all parents!

Next week is our holiday party and Polar Express Day!  We have sent home items that are needed for the holiday party.

Also, does anyone have a copy of The Polar Express dvd? If you wouldn't mind sending it to school, it would be a tremendous help!


Prefix Test 2

Test will be on Friday! Here's a study guide:

Prefix                              Meaning                              Example

pre                                   before                                preview- to view before

anti                                   against                               antivenom - against venom

in                                       not                                    invisible- not visible

sub                                    below                               subway- a way below

semi                                   half                                   semicircle- half of a circle

bi                                      two                                   bifocals- two lenses

tri                                     three                                  triangle- three angles